The guy who is in charge of intelligence gathering for the US Government has a pretty secure job. I mean hey it does not matter if you screw up - take a look at the latest Iran debacle.
For months/years we have been hearing how Iran will have the bomb and it is up to George Bush and everyone who loves America, to bomb the bejesus out of Iran before they attack us. This nuclear attack from Iran seemed immenient - we had to strike first. Hold the phone Martha- Seems that the information that was used to determine if Iran was a threat or not, may not have been accurate.
May Not Have been Accurate????! Would someone not think that if you have the possibility of leading your country into another war that you would have researched all possible angles? Guess not. So if you're keeping score at home we have - 1 currently active war based on bad information ( i.e hidden weapon caches of all sorts of nasty things ) 1 currently active war based primarily on finding Osma Bin Laden ( wanted dead or alive - to quote George W) and one very possible war based on excessive saber rattling and bad info with Iran
Talk about job security -
Conversation between head of US Intelligence and the President probably goes something like this...
Sorry George it seems Saddam did not have any WMD, and it looks like Iran is clean too, we can't find Osma - we've looked everywhere - currently we are scanning the employment roster of 7-11 for possible suspects
No worries - keep up the good work - we'll find/fabricate something - there's big money in war don't you know
Does anyone else find this concerning? If these decisions where coming from a third world country , whose army consists of shepherds with pointy sticks , that would be one thing. But this is coming from the lone superpower in the world. Now are you concerned????
Have to go buy a shovel so I can start digging my bomb shelter in the backyard. I'm on
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