July 16, 2008

Celebrity Children - what is the fuss all about?

Is anyone else as tired as I am hearing about Brad and Angelina's newborn twins? They had babies - ok they had twins - but with the plethora of fertility drugs and in vitro fertilization out there, it seems that everyone is having twins now, even 70 year old Indian grandmothers (http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2008/07/04/grandmother.html).

And why did they not adopt more "Asian" children? Was there not a sale being offered at the orphanage? Or did they already had a complete set? Yeah I know - my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek - but why all the hub bub about celebrity kids? Their kids are the same as our kids albeit on a path of entitlement and platinum visa cards.

This type of global fawning at the feet of celebrities does nothing more then feed their egos and the idea that they are somehow, someway , a better person then us. Total bunk! Nothing would make me happier then if we could boycott all celebrity news shows, tabloids etc. Imagine if there was a red carpet movie premiere and no one showed up to cover it? Maybe then celebrities will realize that they really are not bringing anything of substance to the collective table. They ain't no Mother Theresa or Nelson Mandela.

But alas there seems to be a high population of sheep and lemmings amongst my fellow man so I fear I must lead the boycott against this tripe alone. Who is with me??


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