September 4, 2008

Increase traffic to your blog - Guaranteed Sucess

So if you are like me and try to maintain a blog in the deep dank expanse of the internet, the idea of how to increase your traffic has most likely crossed your mind. Of course you have tried the usual suspects - signing up on humor, writing about breasts, cleavage, gratuitous sex and violence. All of these tried and true solutions and your stats barely register any increase.

How then can you guarantee an increase in readership? It's simple dear reader - Write blog entries about Islam. If there is one group of religious extremists with less of a sense of humor I have not found them yet. Hell even the Amish have been known to let out the odd chortle and guffaw in the midst of a barn raising - but nary a giggle crosses the lips of the Islamic extremists.

Now you have to be careful in regards to the amount of traffic, hate mail and death threats you want to generate. The extremists put out a death sentence on Salman Rushdie for writing a book that was not favorable to Islam - so try to temper down the anti Islamic rhetoric so you just receive a spanking or an old fashioned "talking to" from the extremists.

A few calls to CNN to tell the world of your plight, and presto chango - your server will crash from the surge in traffic.

Vote for me at Humor Blogs Allah and myself do appreciate it.

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Anonymous said...

Hate mail shmate mail! What's a death threat in the face of more hits to our blogs? I'm dissin Allah mananna-thanx for the tip.

Anonymous said...

You know Osma is out there somewhere surfing the blogs on his Wi-Fi connection from deep in his cave. If you do happen to hear from Osma let him know that George is looking for him...

robkroese said...

I'm going to stick with targeting the Amish. I've got a great post about butter churning coming up.

kathcom said...

This is the most useful advice on getting more readers that I have ever seen!I'm posting an offensive cartoon to my blog today.

Of course, my ability to offend is limited by the pitifully low number of people who see my blog.

Should I take the chance of offending more people? The Louise Hay fans have already got it in for me.

Unknown said...


Remember - offending people = more traffic.
You can never offend too many people. Between Louise Hay's people and all the crazy religious extremists you are soon to offend you are on your way...

God Speed