March 29, 2009

Earth Hour, Applesauce and a Stomach Pump

On all the front pages of any news site today you will see people celebrating another successful Earth Day. A moment when the planet joins together to show support for a common purpose - planet Earth.

Yes I know it is a terribly noble gesture but there where a few mishaps during Earth Hour that managed to sneak into the daily news.

Several over enthusiastic Earth Hour participants in Texas went so far as to turn off their oxygen machines in an attempt to lower their carbon footprint. Doctors expect one to make a full recover while the others unfortunately succumbed to their idiocy.

Speaking of idiocy; I went to the fridge to get a snack during earth hour as I was feeling a little peckish. When I opened the fridge there was no reassuring glow of the light bulb so finding that perfect snack was made a little more difficult. Not letting the darkness in the fridge, and my lack of a fully developed echo location system deter me, I reached in and grabbed a package of what I hoped was applesauce. After some cursing and several stubbed toes I was able to find a spoon like device that would enable me to enjoy my snack.

When Earth Hour was over and the lights came on again, I glanced down to my nearly empty container and to my horror saw that I had not been eating applesauce at all. The container had been full that was true, but during that one hour of saving the planet and I had eaten several cups of bacon grease.

I will likely spend my afternoon at the local Hospital getting my stomach pumped - but that is ok I've also found the Hospital a great place to get some green jello.

MMM Jello.....

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Shawn said...

I knew it was dangerous. I didn't participate for that very reason. I did go ahead and shut the lights off at 2:00 AM and kept them off until 9:00, though, so I think that makes up for it.

Anonymous said...

"Doctors expect one to make a full recover while the others unfortunately succumbed to their idiocy."

We should call this culling the herd.