March 21, 2009

Barack Obama and tasty crayons

So I’m sure by now you have heard about President Obama’s gaffe on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno. If you have not heard about it let me get you up to speed.

Barack Obama was asked by Jay Leno about his bowling prowess – and the President replied with a flippant remark that he has Special Olympian quality bowling skills. Inferring that he has not very good skills, for an able bodied black man. Well the collective masses that reside under mushrooms took offense at the President’s remark and are demanding an apology.

Well it seems that the White House has come up with an unique solution in response to the hue and cry raised by the thin skinned, glass house residing advocates for the disabled. “A Presidential Bowl Off”. The President of the free world Barack Obama will have a best of three bowling match with a team of Special Olympians.

The stakes for this match are high. If the President wins the match he will get a motorized wheelchair customized by Jesse James of Monster Garage fame, and if the Special Olympic Team wins they will get to be President for a day.

It is thought that if the Special Olympic team wins they will immediately pass several laws that will make their quality of life much higher. Representatives for the Department for the Advancement of Feeble Thinkers (DAFT) have suggested that some of the laws could be as follows:

All bags of pretzels will come now with a warning label about the potential choking hazard and their sale will be restricted to people over the age of 21

Art supply manufacturers will now be mandated to make better tasting crayons.

Political analysts initially had some concerns at the idea of a developmentally delayed individual being President, but they where quick to remind us that this would not be the first developmentally delayed person to hold office.

In an unrelated story, former President George Bush has started a tour in support of his new book “Pretzels – The Killer Snack Food”

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Unknown said...

LMAO over this one. I totally loved it. Like my word verification says, it's the "bodgiest"

Shawn said...

I think I'll email the Dept for the Advancement of Feeble Thinkers to see if they'll add:

Create a campaign to increase public awareness on the usefullness and aesthetics of wearing earmuffs during the summer months.

Anonymous said...

Purple crayons taste pretty good anyway, but I'd welcome any new flavours.

Unknown said...

Ettarose - glad you liked it - thanks for the Stumble

Numberone - as you can imagine the Dept for the Advancement of Feeble Thinkers is very busy lately so you will likely have to wait awhile for a response

Tiggy - I'm partial to the red crayons - they taste like strawberries

Willy said...

Willy says "HUH"

10-4 Hillbilly Willy

Skye said...

First off, let me mention that my word verification is "Fuzed"!

This is absolutely hilarious. I wish the Special Olympians win and would get a day to be prez each, not just a day in total! Chances are they'd do better than the current and former prez's combined!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! If Obama wins, I think he should get not only the customized wheelchair, but carte blanche to make as many off color, mildly offensive jokes as he wants for a full month.

Unknown said...

Shawn - I couldn't agree more - we can write your suggestion into the official rulebook. That way if either party wins it'll be amusing...

Jerry K said...

Didn't we just get rid of a President who was "special"?