October 7, 2008

To hell with the polar bears I'm driving Jimmy to school!

International Walk your Kid to School Day - mark your calendars folks. Oct 8th. You can save the planet and mankind by walking your children to school.

Correct me if I'm wrong but did we not walk to school everyday in the olden days - i.e 10- 15 years ago? Now little Jimmy has to get a ride from mommy just to get his shoes from the closet.

If "International Walk to School Day " was being marketed as a chance for families to bond whilst they walk their brood to school - I would find it unpalatable sure, but a lot easier to swallow then this charade. Park the SUV and save the environment by walking Jimmy to school.

While you have the SUV parked - throw out the video game console and computer so little Jimmy is "forced " to play outside - get some exercise kid. And parents - stop using your loud , annoying and pollutant spewing leaf blowers - try an environmentally friendly tool called a ...rake.

If you want to save the environment -sell one of your SUV's and get a rickshaw. You can still drive your kids to school and you can save the planet too. As a fellow occupant of the planet - let me be the first to thank you.

Of course if will only take a few days of running little Jimmy to school in a rickshaw, before your cholesterol impacted arteries burst, and you fall to the ground clutching your chest. But fear not dear suburbanite - your sacrifice was worth it.

Childhood obesity and diabetes is on the rise you say? Hmm I wonder why? Can I get the fries supersized?

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Michael from dadcation.com said...

whoever made up this holiday is a pussy suburbanite. if my toddler walked to preschool, she'd get shot or stolen, which is exactly as it should be.

Unknown said...

Toddler's should not be in school - they should be in your basement churning out designer footwear that you can then sell for a handy profit.

Unknown said...

I say give everyone a freakin mule to ride, this way you save on gas, and give the street corner bums a job. They can scoop shit for a living. Besides when is the last time someone was mule jacked?

Unknown said...

I thought politicians scooped or should I say shoveled shit for a living? Those politicians are keeping homeless people from working!

I suppose some people have had their ass jacked - but I think that just happens in correctional facilities.

Anonymous said...

Me and my sisters never got to eat out. Why? Cuz mom cooked..... in bacon grease and you ate it and said "YUM" and went outside to play. No fat kids.

Unknown said...

Playing outside?!!! What was your mother thinking.... :)

Kevenj said...

..A Rake Dave? As in to "Rake it in"? How do you use a verb to get leaves up?
Dave, you want me to actually.....park my SUV, (when it's not being fitted with supersized Michelin Tires or having a top-of-the-line Dolby stereo installed)..and then walk?
I don't get it.

Unknown said...

As this whole "saving the environment" thing should be transitioned into gently so not to cause any undue stress to your system, My suggestion to you is to have your nanny walk the kids to school. You can drive alongside if you want to experience being there. In regards to raking the leaves - replace your yard with astro turf.