April 30, 2008

Native Protests - Ugh Heap big Protest....

There seem to be a rash of native protests here in Ontario Canada. Caledonia and Deseronto come to mind immediately. At the heart of the protest there is always a unhappy Native who is fighting for the land that his great, great, great grandfather's second cousin got swindled out of by the nasty old white man....My question is this - If your great great great grandfather's second cousin was offered a business proposal and agreed to it - how is he being swindled? It was an agreed arrangement. I'm not saying what was offered by the "white man" was for full value - but you would have had a choice to accept or deny the arrangement. The white man here plays the part of the used car salesman, and the native the part of the customer looking for a car.

If you accepted the arrangement then, and now through the glory of hindsight and 400 years later, see that the land is more valuable then the original purchase price of a couple of muskets and hunting knives , please explain to me why you can go back to the bargaining table and ask for more??? Where will it end? There will always be arrangements where one party years later will feel ripped off - does that give them the right to go back to the table and re - open the bargaining session?

And why are the protesters allowed to barricade roads, burn tires and generally act like hooligans? If a "white person" tried that, they would be pepper sprayed, tasered and hog tied before you could even call the local television station. Police act with kid gloves around native protests because they do not want a public backlash - but if we take a step backwards and do not consider the color of the people's skin or their heritage - why are the protesters allowed to act in such a radical fashion? That's right there is no reason - the Police for there part should act fair and rationally as well, regardless of the ethnicity of the parties involved. If the Native protesters can act and behave with no repercussions is it not a case of the inmates running the asylum?????


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