October 10, 2008

The dead vote in Texas.

To quote Monty Python .."Bring out your dead, Bring out your dead"
I'm assuming of course, that you have a corpse or two still lying around in the basement or the garage. It's awkward dragging a corpse to the curb on garbage day,and the neighbors do tend stare and talk amongst themselves.... Well fear not, there is a perfectly reasonable solution to your corpse problem. Take them voting with you. Yes folks that wing of the government that is in charge of registering voters, has decided to register dead people Read it here if you don't believe me - I'll wait....

Ok do you see now? Just because your dead, does not mean that you cannot be part of the democratic process. Mighty thoughtful of those government types to let the dead vote, but to me it sets a dangerous precedent. If the dead can vote what is to stop the government from allowing house pets, ornamental flowers and women to vote as well? And if that goes through we're all going to hell in an proverbial hand basket.

Sarcasm is defined as: a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark

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Anonymous said...

Oh, honey, In NYC and Chicago the dead have been voting for years! And, like they say in NYC - Vote early, vote often LOL

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

GASP! The day they let women in on the vote, we're done for!

Unknown said...

If the women must vote - could we at least have mobile polling stations so they wont have to leave the kitchen to vote? - the voting booth will come to them - I mean they still have to cook and clean for the man of the house , can't spend all day votin'...

ducks from the stream of objects hurled at my head... ;)

Ed & Jeanne said...

The Dead vote? How many of them are left. I know Jerry Garcia died but I just can't see any of them putting down their bong to vote...

Anonymous said...

I see a future Weekend at Bernie's sequel where the boys bring Bernie to the voting booth.

Someone needs to check the graves of our founding fathers to make sure they are not rolling over.