January 16, 2011

RIP- Money For Nothing 1985 -2011

I cannot believe that this is happening in 2011 but the "geniuses" at The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council have banned all Canadian Radio stations from playing the Dire Straits mega hit - Money For Nothing. They claim a listener was offended by the use of the term "faggot" in the song.

Money for Nothing for those who may not be aware was released in 1985 and was an international hit for Dire Straits.

I guess if one international mega hit can be banned from the airwaves by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council there are sure to be others to follow.

I have included a list of major rock hits that I have deemed offensive to certain segments of the population. I propose that everyone write into the CBSC with their own suggestion of a mega hit that needs to be banished from the airwaves.

If we write thousands of letters the CBSC will be forced to pull thousands of songs off the radio due to listener complaints. Once they purge the airwaves of any offensive mega hits, listening to the radio will mean listening to large blocks of silence followed by a 30 second spot for "Bob's Used Cars".

For those of you who want to contact the ivory tower residing troglodytes you can do so here:

Address: Canadian Broadcast Standards Council
P.O. Box 3265, Station D
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1P 6H8
Telephone: 613-233-4607 or toll free at 866-696-4718

Email Address: Email CBSC

Without Further Ado I present:

Dave's list of Offensive Mega Hits

Stairway to Heaven -(Led Zeppelin) offensive to Atheists and Satanists alike.

Lolo - (The Kinks) - offends anyone not comfortable with the idea of picking up a "Tranny" in a bar - come on people live a little....

Hotel California - (The Eagles) - offensive to stock holders in major hotel chains such as The Hilton and Motel 6

Sympathy for the Devil - ( The Rolling Stones) - Offends most organized religions with the exception of your local Satanist Chapter.

Jump - (Van Halen)- considered offensive by both paraplegics and quadriplegics.

Brittney Spears - offends everyone.

Did I miss any?

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Venom said...

I think every rap song ever recorded would qualify.

HumorSmith said...

Don't forget "Day Tripper". Offensive to both anti-druggies and those who use day planners.

Unknown said...

"Out Of The Mouth Of Dave!" has been included in this weeks A Sunday Drive. I hope this helps to attract even more new visitors here.


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