April 9, 2010

PC Nazis to take over the world.

Retarded, Stupid and Ugly. Thanks to the Political Correctness Nazis these terms are now considered "offensive" or "degrading" to people who may in fact be - retarded, stupid or ugly.

The PC Nazis will launch campaigns where they implore us to stop using these hurtful phrases, and like the good lemmings we are, these words will soon drop from our vocabulary and dictionary's.

The PC Nazis have given us some scenarios that will help us learn the proper usage of the new PC language. The scenarios are included below.

The Wilson boy down the street is no longer a "retard" even though he eats paste and soils himself on a regular basis - he should now be referred to as a "candidate for political office"

Creepy Mr Wilson is no longer a "Pederast" or "registered sex offender" - but should be referred to as a "respected member of the clergy" or "Holy Father"

People who engage in jihads or campaigns of terror should not be defined with uncomplimentary terms like "Terrorist" or "Jihadist" but should be addressed with the proper terminology - "Former President Bush" and/or "Vice President Cheney"

There will be no more "ugly" or "deformed" people - people will be simply be "in a state of pre-cosmetic surgery"

Thanks to the "PC Nazis" soon there will be no more "stupid people" or "losers". Every child will win every race, and pass every test. The sun will always be shining and the lambs will frolic carefree in the meadows.

Oh what a glorious day that will be. Nobody is different and everybody is a winner. We must embrace the coming of our bland homogeneous world.

It's safe to remove your brains citizens of earth, we won't be needing them anymore....

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James said...

I can understand how you associate a retard with a candidate for political office.

Some of their decisions were pretty suspect...

Frank Lee MeiDere said...

I, personally, welcome our alien PC overlords.

Actually, I think it will be a wonderful day when everyone is above average.