January 7, 2010

The Smart Phone breaks news ground with latest app.

The article was hidden at the bottom of the page, near the back of the latest edition of the Scientific Armenian. Nestled between the ads for a "Cozy home in Detroit overlooking the smelters" and an itinerary for the latest Nadia "Octomom" Suleman autograph signing tour, was an article that introduced a groundbreaking new app for the Smart Phone.

For those of you who have not had the opportunity to read the article I have included it here:

Man's love affair with their smart phones has taken a strange, but not unexpected turn, with the introduction of the latest app available now at the app store. The app has simply been called "The Vagina" by the small southern California company that developed it. We where able to talk to the CEO of "Drillin'", Richard N.Orbs who was only to happy to extol the virtues of the "Vagina App"

"Men are using their Smart Phones for more and more aspects of their lives. Sending emails, texting friends, surfing the web, listening to music, the list goes on and on. The Smart Phone has become an indispensable tool in the modern male's toolbox."

"But even with great advancements in Smart Phone technology in the past few years," Richard continues, "there are still some areas of the modern man's life where the Smart Phone has yet to make in roads. The first of these areas is the bedroom - or sexual intercourse if I have to explain it. Smart Phones had no connection to sex for men at all. With Drillin's new Vagina app we believe that we have finally blown the doors wide open for Smart Phone users. At the risk of offending any Star Trek fans - Space is not the final frontier for the Smart Phone - the vagina is. With the introduction of the "Vagina App" it now allows the Smart Phones to be integrated into all aspects of the modern man's life."

The "Vagina App" takes advantage of the touch screens that the newest Smart Phones offer. It is now possible for men to simulate having sex with a digitally rendered vagina using either the handy stylus or any other appendage.

CEO Richard N. Orbs states that "We believe that we have brought the vagina closer to thousands of Trekkies, Comic book collectors and C++ programmers everywhere."

The verdict is still out on the application though. Men that we talked too - who admitted to using the application, state that "the application will never truly take off until the public become comfortable with the sight of sweaty - bug eyed men, jabbing at digital vaginas while they commute to work on the subway"

One small step for man......


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Ed said...

All I wanna know is, How Much?

Cause it always costs upfront and there's usually a per usage fee.

Both for vaginas and the app.

Jen said...

Ummmm. Hmmm. If the app could teach men what to do with the vagina it would be a real breakthrough. And I'd start commuting just to watch the trekkies playing with this app.

My word verification is reguapp.