August 4, 2008

The Olympics are coming - does anyone care?

The historic Olympic games are about to start and I think even Osma Bin Laden deep in his Pakistani cave has been caught up in the big Olympic hype machine - the question I have is why do we care anymore?

The Olympics used to be a great event of truly amazing athletes accomplishing great feats - now it is simply athletic people pumping themselves full of HGH, Steriods and masking agents that they have more in common with a pharmacy then anything relating to the honor of true sportsmanship and the Olympic games. It has gotten so bad that Chine had to institute sex testing of it's athletes to see whether they should be in the female or male events. You would have thought that the presence of a penis would indicate a man, and a vagina would indicate a woman - seems that is not the case anymore. They are so hopped up on hormones their own bodies don't know what they are.

Why don't we just market the games as a bunch of drugged up people running and jumping fast- put it all out in open . I mean is there anyone out there that thinks that there are any clean athletes in the Olympics anymore? I think that if you think there are clean athletes you probably voted for George W thinking that he was good choice for world peace.

I'm on Humor and they do random drug testing. On Wednesday we're testing opiates...

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Anonymous said...

Howdy Dave. Fix your feed at Humor-Blogs. I'll vote for you.


PS: "Can o' Whup-Ass" is my site there

Unknown said...

I think I've fixed the feed - if it's not working please let me know - new to humor blogs not sure on the whole process yet