May 8, 2008

I've Fallen and I can't get up...

Well we've seemed to have breached another great "frontier" according to the article on Times Online

Long story short - they want to implant blue tooth technology into our bodies - technology that will notify the authorities if we suddenly collapse and have a heart attack or some other serious condition- I've fallen and I can't get up. No worries authorities will be dispatched.

Never mind the blatant breach of privacy and the total "big brother" aspect to this story, I'm wondering what they will think of next . Will family doctors - assuming there still will be family doctors - get an email when you stub your knee? " IMPACT DETECTED ON LEFT PATELLA - SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT FOR FOLLOW UP.... or will pizza parlors and fast food joints exploit the technology - CALORIC INPUT = ZERO FOR PAST 4 HOURS SEND MCDONALDS AD TO PDA RE: NEW ANGUS BURGER

Oh the possibilities....

Be afraid be very afraid....


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