May 8, 2008

I've Fallen and I can't get up...

Well we've seemed to have breached another great "frontier" according to the article on Times Online

Long story short - they want to implant blue tooth technology into our bodies - technology that will notify the authorities if we suddenly collapse and have a heart attack or some other serious condition- I've fallen and I can't get up. No worries authorities will be dispatched.

Never mind the blatant breach of privacy and the total "big brother" aspect to this story, I'm wondering what they will think of next . Will family doctors - assuming there still will be family doctors - get an email when you stub your knee? " IMPACT DETECTED ON LEFT PATELLA - SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT FOR FOLLOW UP.... or will pizza parlors and fast food joints exploit the technology - CALORIC INPUT = ZERO FOR PAST 4 HOURS SEND MCDONALDS AD TO PDA RE: NEW ANGUS BURGER

Oh the possibilities....

Be afraid be very afraid....


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May 4, 2008

The lost art of shoe tying

I think the simple act of tying your shoes, will be a skill and ability that we will lose in the next few generations. Just go to any mall and look at the teenagers shuffling around with their pants hanging down to their knees and untied shoes - I think most of the shoes are untied because the little "gangstas " don't know how to tie them, and mommey wont help them anymore. That is what you get for being educated on the streetcorners... A little time in school and they could have learned valuable skills like tying their shoes.

If you don't apply a skill regularly you will lose that ability - sounds reasonable that is what people say about learning a second language - maybe it applies to shoe tying as well.

Little kids shoes have the option of Velcro closures now - nothing to tie there, teenagers as I discussed earlier either don't know how to tie shoes , or it's part of their "gangsta" culture not to tie shoes - and with old people we are back to the Velcro closures again . There is that small segment of society - older then a teenager and still able to chew their own food - that can still tie their shoes. Be proud of it. It will soon be a lost art like hand written letters.

Don't get me started on digital clocks......

I'm on Humor and I'm not currently wearing my colors.


** I just re read my post and I am amused at the similarities between teenagers and senior citizens. Shoes are untied, pants are falling down and they all shuffle - hmmmm. Maybe we should ask Grandpa if he is affiliated with the Bloods or the Crips?

What up G!

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